Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 3, 13 Mei 1936 — ITALIAN KING IS NOW EMPEROR [ARTICLE]
Preniior Mussoiini unnounee<l Satuixky that Ethioi)ia has plawl un(h i r "full uinl eomplolo sovcroignt,v of ltul,\\" uu<l a?>sunu\l for Kiū{? Vietor Emniiiniiol tho title of Emi>oror of Ethio^ia, Gon. Piotro lWloglio, who lo<l tho vietorioū.< troops into A<ldis Almhu, was namwl viooroy of Ethiopia. Marking form»l annoxation, fo_ reiffn diploniats \voro offH'i;ill,v notifiotl that tho inipoi ial oohrt fo EHiionin, to whioh tlu\v uiv aooroditotl, has ooaso(l to oxist. As long as tho (liplomats mnain thoy will 1m x ti-oahnl as 'Mistini|ruislHHj an<l frion<li.v jruok<." a s{K)konian s»i<l. Ethiopia wil! ho ronamo»l aiul troatotl as an Italian ilo|KMnloney. ,