Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 1, 29 April 1936 — Pioneer Newspaper Celebrates 30th Anniversary THREE DECADES OF SERVICE TO HAWAIIAN RACE 'Star Of Hawaii' One of Two Papers Printed In Original Island Language [ARTICLE]

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Pioneer Newspaper Celebrates 30th Anniversary


'Star Of Hawaii' One of Two Papers Printed In Original Island Language

īn April, 1900, Ka Hoku O Hawaīi, (Stai' of Hawaii) maele ils fir.«t ajjpearanee in (he loeal nowapapei- liekl. This week i(. is celebrating its 30th anniversary, aftor being issuetl rogularly sinre thp initial numbi i r was launeheel on tlie unoertain sea ol' journalism. William H. Beers, presi<lent of the publishing company, with several associates, got together anei organized the company and wlieu the first edit:on was publislied it carried the nanie of ("harles S\vain, as editor. Mr, Swain passed away some years ago. Tlip next man to weild the editorial pen was tlie late Stephen L. Desha, Sr., who acted in that capaeity up to the time of his death less tlian two years ago. Since that time the paper was edited by Mrs. Desha and t.he work of carrying on the puhlication i'ell to the lot of Mr. Beers and Harrv K. Brown. the latter holding the position of secretary-treasin--er the past t\vēīity-nine vears. It was largelj r through his unselfish efforts that the paper was kept alive, he often times liaving to pay some of tlie bills out of liis own private fuiuls. E. K. Kaiwa, of Papaaloa, has also been of great assistance and lias eontributed very largely in lielping to lreep* 016 psTper going. Mr. Rēers lias also done his share. About three nionths ago it \vas dedded by the dlrectors that Ka Hoku O Hawaii should either be improved or suspended. "Henrietta F. Dixon was seiected as tlie inanaging editor, \vith authorily to make whatever improvements she deemed advisablo. One of the uew features decided npon

was the 'printing of one page in English for the benefit of the young£r generation of Hawai!ans. Since theū the circulatiou has increased very eonslderably. Other improvements will fol!o\v from time to time. Mueh credit is also due Messrs. Bernard Kelekolio and James Puuoliou,* who have been writing the stories in Hawaiian the past three months. A large amount of credrt is due the Ililo Tribune-llerald for its co-operatiou in tlie handling of tlu> presswork, loaning of pictures . and other material so essential hi the successful publioation of a newspaper.