Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 40, 22 ʻApelila 1936 — SUBSCRIPTION SHOULD BE PAID AT ONCE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Onee more the management of Ka Hoku 0 HawaU finds lt necessary to remlnd delinquent subscrib«rs that a!I arrears for subsoription to this »iewspaper should be pald at onee, in order to help make lt a better ne\wspaper. Sevērai hundrēd subscrib«(s whō have been readins it for one or more >ears have failed to answer the fl«t request for payment. A few have promptl> compUed with the requ«st, h«t ma«y have not. Two doUars for a whole year*s tuhS€Hption Hn't mueh fcr the *ver*ge p«rson but īf *Il wcuid P«y ttp H wou?d am«y«t ie a een »iderable tum m4 «ould heīp very w*terlaU| in meeimg the i««Kpenses mulllna from rec*n| purthases of new type j(nd o*her <H}U<pmeM. īf yau owe for papen, pl?As m*il y©«r mone) NOW,