Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 40, 22 ʻApelila 1936 — BUSINESS BOOST TO FOLLOW BONUS Government Speeds Up Certicicates to Pay Off World War Veterans [ARTICLE]
Government Speeds Up Certicicates to Pay Off World War Veterans
Government preparations for haiul- • ling out~ <he biggtst slice of artifieial proaperity in history — the $2,200,000,000 KOhliers' bonus—are well under way. The first few thousancl names on the June 15 payroll have already been insc;ribt'd 011 the bonds wliieh wili go out, and cliecks have bt.en drawn to the ex-soldit rs for the odd . dollārs and eems less than filty dollars, the deiH>mination of the bonus bonds. The thousands of the $- r >o bonds that have already been j)rint* d lay in neat piles in Treasury vaults, awaiting siibniission of additional names from the Veterans' Bureau in order that tliey may be made oul. Although 3,500,000 soldiers must be fcerved, mueh oi' the i)relimiiiary work has been compieted. W lien the nanu s go from the Veteiant>' Bureau to the Tr«asury, that ineans ihe inilial stages o.f the bonus issue have been completed. When this tremendous storo of wea!tii is shoved out mto trade ehannels in June, \vheels of iiuiustry for a time must accelerate to racīng speed to care for the demands of the suddenly enriched veterans.
For lDStance, a Federal stat;stician has estihiated that the big l>onus fund will go to buy at least 300,000 now automobiles, chiefly of the low pnccd varlety. . Back of this saJe of 300,000 new cars, of course, will be an enormous increase in the business of manufac turing materials, such as stee3, glass, rubber OJBd. other products whieh go into the making of an aulomo^ile.
And the automobile makers will h.ave plenty of competition. Tlie real cstate salesmen, the refrigerator manufacturers, the radio inakers, clothiers aiid the like are out aft< r tlie sokliers' bright new (lollars, too. Railroads and .steamsliip eomyanies are not idle, either.
Issuance of the bonus bonds and eheeka comprises one of the greatest tasks ever faced by the Governm(ent, involving a series of working stages on at least 3,500,000 items. Tlie Veterans' Bureau aiid the Treasury, in charge of the bonus \vork jointly, are the busiest spots in the gpvermnent today.
Boaus work begius for the Government when the veteran makes application, on a firui p.rescribed by Ihe Veterans' Administration and send.s in with it his bonus certificate.
Of course, if tlie veteran has borrowed on his certificate, this informatiou must be £upplied." The Covernment must llien pay olt the loau and issue the bonds to the vet<?rans for tbe remamder of the amounl uue him, " * '
More tlum 8,000,000 iiiterest eaku
lations go into the job of detonniuing just how mueh money eaoh vētcran i§ to get, and eaeh ealeulaUon must l)ē chwked at\d rechecked.