Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 40, 22 ʻApelila 1936 — LEGION MAKES HOLIDAY PLANS H. R. Warner In Charge of Memorial Day Program On Way 30 In Hilo [ARTICLE]
H. R. Warner In Charge of Memorial Day Program On Way 30 In Hilo
| Ar]jutant Jack of Htlo j Post No, 3, American Legion, reports i i)lans for the proper observance of ! Meruorial Day this year are well un1 der way.. . ■ ' | The prqgram is ,being arranged by jH. B. Waruer,- chairmau; Albert j Ahin, Frank B. Wrigley, A. A. Silva and Siineon Amor, witli the eoopeiation of the Woman's Auxiliary. A eommiUee composed of Walter Ekluml, Antone Kimi, James Pray, Frank Rogers, and Simeou Anior has been ttppointed to meot with members of ihe Katnēluum.'lia Ix)dge's jubile« comniittee regarding tlie legion's i>articipation iu tlie jubilee cel£bration. Tlie legion has ple(lged itself to eooperutti \vith auy plans wliieh muy bo outllned by the oeleJ)ra!u>n co;nniitteo. It \vas al?o ilppuleA to cooporalo wHh tlio Elk? club whieh is sponsoring the obscrvnnce of Flag Pay 011 |juno 14. Prank Martin/ AlfreJ Ku- | malao, Simeon Amor, and H. K. Wung | have been nam<?d to Uie Flag T>ay I comniittee. I The Araeri>an is a1so entering a nuirching unit in th<? pavadc planned for July 4. A motion adopt' i>d bv m« x mbers instructod Adjnlant 1 Hivkard to a l<ires5 a letter lo tho ] ne\vspupors reiteratUig tho IokIou'* | tiesire to have Hilo inetThantf clo>o 1 their storcs on July 4. s -:x: —