Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 40, 22 ʻApelila 1936 — BRAZIL RETAINS LEADING PLACE IN COAST COFFEE MART [ARTICLE]
Brazil uiaintained lirst plaee among suppliers ol' coffe e to Pacific Coast Btates of the. ,ITnited "States during' 1»35. dospit(. ever-H-Eiff'enin ? competi-" tion, from Columbia and Central American countries.
l oial.. r«e.eip-Ui ■ by sea from fore ; gu cou'iuries in tlif Pacifif Coast area wero 1,523.104 bag.s, of whieh Brazil phlpiKul 405.747 bags, Colombia 414,741 and Salvador 351,545.
Among the other iniportant suppliers of ,coffee to tli e Pacific CoaSt was the Territory of Hawaii, wlūeh supplied only 51,276 bags, but this is the largest amouiU of Ilawaiian coffee yet suT>plied in any year, with the exception of 19T?0 when the total amouni was 55,280 bkgs.
The Hawaiian production, although under the Anienean flag. has no tāriff protection. Some au)horities have alleged that with sucli aid it could ,be greatly ex'paniied, but that possibility has been eliminated for the preseiit by the United States reciprodty r agreements with several coffee-pro-ducing countries including Brazil, whieh guarantee coffee against custoraa duties or excise faxes on" imPorts. ' ■ ■ ■ •-v . ■ -— ; —-:x: —— — ■■■