Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 40, 22 April 1936 — HAWAII INCOME TAX PAYMENTS LARGER [ARTICLE]

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An increabe of over 50% in ineome tax payments in Hawaii for March, as compared vyitli the same month a year ago, has just been reported by the internal revenue bureau at Washi«glon.

March payments to'talleil $1,fi44,967.06, ac<;ording to telegraphic reI>orta, as compared with $1,011,205.17 iast year. For the nine months ending ]Vlarck 31 collections \vere $3,902.595.97, eompared with $3,292,439.4-1 for a simiiar l>eriod the year before. Mai-eli, 1934, payments \vere $1.005,648.39 aud March, 1933, were 1605,140.92. For the liūie moi)ths inc.hiding Mareh, 1934, the payments totalled $2,302,962.52, ainl for tlie oorrespondhig period the yiar beforo $2,902,623,92; ' :x: