Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 40, 22 April 1936 — ANCIENT HAWAII ART REVIVAL Kona District to Supply Lauhala Articles to Hawaiian Village At Waikiki [ARTICLE]

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Kona District to Supply Lauhala Articles to Hawaiian Village At Waikiki

Gsorge P. Mossman, of tlie Hawaii•an V liage at Waikiki, wlio has beeij pendi ig some time ou the Big Isiaad iias succeeded in making arr ufe,ei ents through whieh the Kona aistricts will supyly tlie village with lauhala, mats and otlier articles.

. Mr. Mossman reported that hē found tliree grades of lauhala articles produced. The grade, wliieh is the cheaser grade, is turned out as a Bjediu«i of exchange for whieh the family obtains clothmg, groceries and Gther articles for home use.

The seeond grade is the type of article turned out to sell, this "being a better grade than the ffrst one bu< not as gōod as the (hird grade whieh ifc produced because of the love of the art. !

The p!an of the vi!lage js to hand?e the three different grades ot arHcles, Agents in the Koīii distrlst will brHawaiians, Japanese and Chinese in hnsiness ln that distWct. It is expoot--6d tlvat a large anio\»nt ōf lauhala nrticles will be liandled bv tho Hawaiian ViHage as th< to«i t trade eontinufts to grow,

! Mr. Mossnian also looked into the supply ōf lauhala fdr future use. [found mūeh of the; fine lauhala bet ing destroyed by graztng eattte, aiul *by careless landowners who el away many of the best plants w th j out replacing them,| līe a!so founrt imany trees whieh |iave heoome tot> i ohl for tlieir leaves lo be of pr itlcal i

( Mr. Mossnmn called upon L W. I Rryan ©f the departmont of foroslry iand agrkulturt» to sco \vhat eouhl ht" nlw>\it settin?f Wut moro innhals\ I plftnts to keep up thc supply Mr, r?rv (au reported a large supply of lauhahi j iu the Puna district. However Mr, !āk»ssman believcs tho runa distriot is too far away frotu Konn, thc eeu jter of ihe lauhala industry to «lepenil l 'upon tho formor dlsitriet for sup'oHc*. , Uo plaus to takc fuyther to *co i tha( tho js»u»piy is maiutaUint 1n K v h : ;