Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 38, 8 ʻApelila 1936 — ASK HILO STORES TO CLOSE JUNE 11 [ARTICLE]
Complying with the ivishes of the loeal Kameīiamelia loflgp, tlie hoarrl of directors of the Chamber of Com mei'ee of Hilo at. its mocting Tuesday voted to send an appeal to all the stores in Hilo and the plantation managers in the outlyino: districta asking them to give their m]7loyes a holiday on Kamehameha's Bay Kamehamoha lodge has asked the oimmher to eooperate Tn every in malting the celebration a Rnccess, and to request the stores to clo?e and the i>lantation managevs to ro leāse their laborers on June 11. The (iiret-tors alao reapncinto(l Frank J. Harlockor as Island rt> presentative on the Hawaii tonriol bureau. John M. Ross. A. J. Laffert7 and Georgi j Lowkoii were selcct( d aa trustees from this island on the Hawaii bureau of govenimental re seareh. The chaniber of commerce will sponsor \veekly heulUi programs over ihe new radio station in llilo. A eommittee will be appointed T>y the president to take charge of these pro grams. Cooi)eration of the HawaH lsland Meuieal assoeiation \vill b6" sought at the medical couvention in Waimea over the weekend.