Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 38, 8 ʻApelila 1936 — DR. ROLL NAMED NEW PRESIDENT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Succeeding •• I>r. Richard Troadwoll <>i Kolinlu, l)r. A. T. R6ll of Milo \v;is o£ iho l.lawiiii Couiity Medical assodation at its annual diinnr and moetinf; ]iold S;iiurday night at the Waimoa hotol. I)r. Treadwell was host to the nlembei'.s at a dinner precedinp the niectlng. Other officers chosen \vere: Dr. E: W. •Mil.eheli, vicp-i)rcsident; J)r. Hmvard Crawford, secrotary ti easurer (reelected); Dr. Thornas Keay" and Dr. Clnrenc# L. Carter, delegafes to the territorial medical r.onventioiv; j Dr, Georgn Ferre,. censor. I The members spent Ihe night at: | tlie hotel, returning to their_homes Sunday. * Pre«ent at tbe nieeting were: pr. S. R. Drown, Dr. Archie Orenstein, l)r Howard Crawfor<T, Dr. Teru<> Yoshiiui, Dv. rd Ai'imizu and Dr. Henry Yuen i'ioni Hilo; Dr. Richard Tr''adwell from Kohala. Dr. Jame.K Ei\right, Dr. William N. Bergin and f)r. Howard Diekson from Kona. Dr. llaruto and D.r. Clarence !-• Carler frout llonokaa. Dr. Walter K<'ymour ironi Kau, Dr. Thoma,s Keay from Pepeekeo. Dr. Fred Irwin ■from j Olaa ainl Dr. Ferre from Laii])ahoe- ' hoe. - : !