Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 38, 8 ʻApelila 1936 — KONA COOK'S PAY IS SET BY BOARD [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Some objeetions were raised last week to monthly salaries recommended by the board of trustees oi' the Kona hospltal for a new eook aiid a new nurse at the hospital.

In. a eommuniealion rroin F. J. Cushingham, secretary, tlie board w as advised that the board of trustees had employed Miss Nancy Usluroda as eook at the liospital at a salary o£ $75 per montli and Mrs. Amy Chang Chock as nurse ai a salary of im : ; As a result of the objections rai.sed due to the_discrepancy hi the saiary scale of relative positions at Keliala and Kona hospitals, the board vot< a i'o disapprove of the trustees* recommendations. Payroll?"of tlie tw<> nospitals were compāred. The eook at Kohala, the board discovere<l. rece«v es a little over $58 a monl d. ln 3tlisa l!shiroda's case, the I>oard s\t the n}aximum pay for the eook at Kona hospital at Disapproval was also voted against the paym.-nt of $100 to Mrs, ehoek, the board recommending that the remuneration be set at $Slas is ihe < ase with otlier nurses at the hospital.

Miss Ushiroda eommeneeel her duties last week. Mrs. Cliōck eonimenced her <3uties as nurseon April 5, succeeding Miss Hayashi resigned as of Marqji 31. Mrs. Ghock ha<l been on the hOppital staff for two years, leāvirtg some time ago to make a vlsit to Ohipa.

Regarding tlie rew|ring of the hospitaU.the board regretted that it has no - available funds to authorize tlie project at the present time.