Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 38, 8 April 1936 — CONFERENCE AT KONA CANCELLED [ARTICLE]
Hamlil V. Lu'cas, Y.M.C.A. county sf j cretary, has .a'hnoiin.ced- the eaiieellalion of HlO ;aninial Keauhuu yoim S poop!es- Chri&tian coni"erence. .-(lie!uled for next week. The reason fqr the-.canceliatiou ,i$ because of the on(break of s -typho'itl lever in th<! Kona di'strict. •Tho"ho:inl <>f health fools th;)t: iiol<:ling tlip ennference there at this Ume woukl be unwisē. The Rev. Shannon Walker. who hoMinf? the conferenee. • has a«liotl that the announcement of the eancelfation be maele.