Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 38, 8 ʻApelila 1936 — LOS CONVENTION IN HILO CLOSES [ARTICLE]
Commemorative s<irviccs iu honor oC ihe 10i;th uni)iversary o£ tīiu orga-' nization of the Latter Duy Saints' <ihiirch.iii Cliis dispeiißation >vere h_'j?ld Mou<Jay at 10:00 a.111.. at th e Hilo HikU sc*hool auditorium, >sitli the Hawaii. eouneil in charge. With Mrs. Robert Stevetiy chuirman oi the program, a group of io<;al ehurch girls attired in colors oi Hawaii preseiitftt a tokcn to Castle 11. Mut'phy, [>resUlent of the Hawaiiau Missiou, £or liis work iu ;lm ierritory. Beautii'ul flower leis wex-e l>resented to the presideut, together with songs aud dauefs oE the islauds. The Lanakila ehoir from Oahu uu der the leadership of Miss Miriam Leilani assisted the program wiih several entertaining seleclions.
The LUS conveution, whieh opened in Hilo last Saturday with 3iundreds o£ delep:ates from all over the territory pieiienL was cont'luded Sunday jal'teruoou willi a iueethiii starting at j 2 p. in. lli aueh presideuts, oiaueh | aml dbtriet ivcorders, dit>trict pre-i-J oeuts aud eouneil members were iu .aUeiHlanee to diseuss nial!et's eon- .« enuiii; īhe dislrtet attd lu aiu h rev- ■: nr<is. ! Te.e convoulion eontinued ull • Snnday i'rom S a.m. to bniu the ovenin»r. Ai ihe .s;en«'ral een- ••:■;!.<■ session at lo a.m iite * Maui eonueil was m ehanie. w hilo 'āī 2 p.m, the ManJ tool? eharse aiiii ;ii 7 p,m. ~ t M>*!oK.ii eoune.l i.«*ade.t im,> |>ro»;iam ! Tht* eoneen «nd daueo held Satur 11,; V !)<:'. f U>'.* 1 ' t' 1 t ' o: ! . <• U>«v ' :tii 1,1 « *~ . > 1 lun«t .. u«: \ 1.. . " h r ', ' e. «>' v\«!'e r ev, Ī«V e'.l- -\ GLAW(S t\TUTA'\.< .» », uv r t t ,• ii lo wi» - e «« • t . „ , ' V t V V \ ' U . v « ' < 1 V 1 ■ ' V* V S. . i \ b ; w t N u' * v -e