Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 38, 8 ʻApelila 1936 — MATSON COMPANY GETTING 2 SHIPS [ARTICLE]
Faster and more moiiem freissit j service betweeu tlie maiulaiul aud Hawaii ports is anticipated followiug a receut amiouneemeiU thai tli<' Matson Navigation Co, is planning.the additiou of t\vo new Ireigliter;; to iis already fleet. i Randolpl? Sev}<?r, 4epartzne?u uuinager fOr Castle & eooke, Ltd., Matson agents in Honolulu, venfud thati leading shipbuildei s had b"en ] to subinit bids. i Alternate sets of bpecificatiens will be considered in the bid(ling enaMliu* officials to <letermihe whethcv s"as(or and more economie|al servic(i will result from 500 foot!. vesselt« or 525 ? 5. Bids ®or the shdrter specifuations will be bpened May 4. No date has been set for bidding on the larg« r ships. i Constfucti<H! oĒ '■ the now vosx<?l* will mean retirem(cnt of livi£!>t' , }\ ; j now in >"**rvice alilmu&h lonu, eonsUl|Ulyd ob&olete, Mr. Se\ ier bukl. j Snct'.ilir;iiiens 1 «>r Ihe ō'.H» looi vesieseis eau i.or a ll.'MKi dead\veight tou 'm-o a foot heani. 42 fo.ii ,!«■■. ih. '■ s i ■■ '• •■; i'i i-' ■ „ ■!•■ Ihe laruer c raf< wouhi ]> i\ i 1 ' mojv iHnuni;! ;uu? twiii ••, • v•• . .i}-.ll■'. .ih \elo:-