Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 37, 1 April 1936 — NOT GUILTY' IS PLEA OF F. CODY [ARTICLE]

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A Tiot guilty plea was eiUeieu in th*> federal court at Uonoiulu j a st Thursday by Frank J. Cody r iormer administrator of the Hilo 0 f the FERA, who was chai\u:ed s< vcrul weeks ago on inforniatiou iile ( rby th'/ ciistrict attorney. I. M. Ktaiubaok. with an alleged attempt to divert and as.sist in diverting FKRA. funds.

Attorney Sainuel Lanelau of ilie law o£fiee of Fred- Patterson appeared in court yesterday and informed Judge S. C. Huber that Patterson, v\ho has been retained to defend will return by the Luriin e from tlie coast. . Pattcrson has beeri in Washington in cozineetiou with llib Delegate. I\ing eleeUon contest as counsel for L. L. McCandless, whom King de£eated iji labt eleeiion. Settiug of the trial of the Cody eas© lias gpne oyer uutil ,a£ter Patterson's ieturn.