Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 37, 1 April 1936 — SETEPHEN DESHA POPULAR IN CAL. [ARTICLE]

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The mafiy fritnds of Stephen L. Desha, Jr., on the Big lKland wili be interested in learning that. v lie ia belping very [itaterially lu putting Hawaii befqre the people of California in a way that will be of future benefit to the territoi'y. "Steven," as he ia better known by the peōple of this island, left h<*re eonie seven months ago to take a course of study at thu Theological Seminary at San Anselmo, California. Recent letterH teli of some of liis aetivities. He is very mueh ia deinaud as a speaker and entertaiaer. He was recently called to Fort Bragg, one of tlie leading luinber lowiik 'in the northern part of the state; where he gave talks"~ to tlie eehool childr<>n and entertained them witli the sougs of Hawaii, their amusement. Otlier trips included one through the San Joaquin valley, the towns of Newman, Fairfax and Mlll ValJey in the central part of the state. At the latter town lie entertained the school childrert, the Woman's club and the meinbers of St. Paul's RpiBcopal c"hurch. He also spok& at Yolanda 10 ihe classes at the mission. Every plaee he went ho was well received and royally entertained. Everybody was greatly lntefested in receiving first. liand information ahoiit Hawaii froni a real Hawaiian. Mr. Desha has had the pleasui e of meeting several former residents of Hawaii, including Juhus Reinhart ,and Samiuel Roff, who are now connc>cted with the Matson steamslvip comoany at San Francisco. , Mr. Desha will return to līilo in May, after whie.h iie vill preach at. the Haili church for three months and during the lsland convention of Ha'walian churches here in August lie will be ordained as a mintster.