Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 36, 25 Malaki 1936 — GIRL'S ATTORNEYS PRESS DAMAGE SUIT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Russell P. Tvler, attorney fōr Ann Coopief Hewitt of San Francisco, says that he will press the $500,000 damage suit against the girfs mother, Mrs. Maryoii Cooper llewitt ter, and BrS. Samuel G. Boyd, and Tiiton Tillman, regardless of the illness of Mlss Hewilt's mother.

Mrs. McCarter is critically ill In a Jersey City hospital following her attempt to commit suicide by drinking poison. She has been indicted at San Francisco, with the two doctors, on charges pf corispiring to commit mayhem iri connection with the sterilizatiou of Ānn, heiress of the Peter Cooper Hewitt millions.