Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 36, 25 Malaki 1936 — WILSON LOSES IN TWO PRECINCTS [ARTICLE]
A Burprising seibaek for John Wilson, īīonolulu postma.ster and ineumbent cornmitteeman, \vere revealed last week in the ieportod elections of two party precinct clubs. At a recent meeting of the 13tli of the sth, a slate of all delogaLe<= :tskcd by Lineoln L. McCandieris, Wilson'.j rival, were cliosen, it \vas announced, as follows: ; ■ } Bugene Berkstroin, D. Bernard, Louis Galdeira, C. Cunniughatn. C. Ēvenson, Louis Ho, Kichard Ho, John Humeku, Joe Keliikoa, August Lucas and Manuēl Paeheeo. Evenson was elected president of tho club and Humeku was selocted as county eommitteeinan. Delegates elected in the Democratic 27th of the stli precinct club were Thursdrr> r uighl.. Fivo were definitely nanuul aiul the sixtli resulted in a tie vote whieh will be decided probably Llh'Oukli the toss of a eoin. Tlie five olecled were Robert Kuhns, Rebecca WhilioiU, Alfred Kumalae, Bert Hiroshima an<l Art!mr Keawe. The twq tied for sixili were' Mrs, Lillian Peterson and Kwoek Fong Look. OfficGrs'ī<lected were Robert Kuhns, president and county comniitteenian; Jonah Kmnalae, vice president; Kwoek Foug Look, secretary; Rebec-ea-WhiLford, assibtant secretary, and Eniina Hovvatt, treasuror.