Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 36, 25 Malaki 1936 — TAX RATE LIKELY TO BE LOWERED [ARTICLE]
i. īlawaii may get a xeduction in tax i vatcs. The 1936 personal property tax ratv will be aiouml $25.50 l'or eaeh $IUUO of personal property valuation, it \vas estimated in Honolulu last we.ek, 011 the baais o£ returns alrt"ady filod v That l!igure repi;esonts a sharp decrease. A valuation of approximatt-ly $75,000,000 has heeii ahown by returns have been i'jled by personal property o\vuers £or taxatioii purposes. The estimat© of a rate is based on the likelihood territorial reuuircivH'nts from tlie personal property tax this year will be about $2,000,000. The 1935 rate was 33.93, slightly higlui- than tlie„4>revious Requirements from personal property taxes last yoar were ?2.800,000 and pcrsonal property retuniā for the yuar showed a valuation of about $79,000,000. Per??onal property subject to laxalion in tlio tcrritory th,growing crops of sugar and pineap ple companies schedulod to mature during the current yenr, and also nll machinery and equipment, furniture and fixtures as well ās stocks. -