Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 36, 25 Malaki 1936 — FORMER ISLANDERS WANT HAWAII STATE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


■Foi;mer. Hawaii resulents now living m Cah£oriiia regard wtt'li •■increas- 1 ing alann tiu- uttemppc ; o£ tim fc3a.cramento ch'amber of coihmerce Lo fore3tall Hawaii statohof)d, aceording to G. Stanley McKonzie, fonner i^land' resident, wlio arrived at lionolulu last Thur&day on a bubine.ss viait. i līe t;aid the t3acrainento organiza- J tion in attempting to reerun aupport \ of other Pacific ooast cliainbors of commerce is circulatiug falso reports of socrat* and eeonomie eonditions in Hawaii. . A counter. offēnsive, poiiiting out the value of market" for California products, wīn be launched if tlio Sacrauiento attack con.tin.ues-, Mr. McKenzie said.

The visitor formor presid(!iit oX the H-onolulu eliamhei', said lie ami oLlier interost;ed person.4 woukl lead Lhe coun(er attack. . .