Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 36, 25 March 1936 — Elaborate Plans Discussed For Big Parade June 11 [ARTICLE]
Elaborate Plans Discussed For Big Parade June 11
Elaborate plans for the Kamehameha Day parade laerē June 11 were discussed at a meeting of the Kamehameha jubilee committee and representatives 6f 22 communily organizatloris hekl Friday niglit in (,he county duiidlng.
Harry K. Brown, general ehainnan of the Mamalahoa Chapter celebration eon-miiUee now making plans for the combined, Kamehamelia bicentemiial and Kaiakaua centenniai celebration next June, presided at the conclave. Main busincss ofH,hc mectin g had to do with assignmenls to i varlous organizations, and the eompletion of details for an elaboraie f!oat section. Tlie parade whieli will be held at I 9 a. m. on June 11 as one feature of a "broad four-day program will in- i clude, aside from the pioturesque float section, marchlng unlte. and a pa-u section ln whieh all dis(rie!s of the Island of Hawaii v. ili be represented by riders wearin« the flowof their respoctive distvio(s. * Present at Meeting Civic organizations rcpresented at. the meeting, and who have pledged to ?Upport the Kamehameha ijarado> included; Hui Hale O Na Alii, Kuhio īmi>rovenu v nt club, Lalter Day SaitUs ehuieh, Hawaii Oiwi Glee club,' Haili GirU eluh. Hawaiian Oirls cjub 4 Hilo Givls club, Stevens' Menohnnes, Hai'.i Oleemen. N«t-ive fims, Waiakea Molhw' ohib. ■HUo VVomenV Hecrt\Uion tion, Hilo Recijeation connnitt>e, YWCA, boy ,seouus, givl 4-II clubs, Holy Niuno socloty, Young Men\s Xnstitutc and Au\iliary. YJMC.BA„ Ordcr <sf PoiWtei"s. Six floats dopic|tUlī; pV..i.^v Of Kameh;imeh,iV life wi!! occupy onp sectU!>n oi ihe parado! This sertk>n uill ed S oihei i-t\-Uv>ns eo}nmcnioiv,; K'-Ik'. K»lakau;\ Qmvu I k'aikhumanu, Piineei Kuhio, HikWAii.ui custo«ttk votc;vno miftowor<.. Tv,Ua viitH v\iU lv \K~-pk um i\\ of vir,d4rtakh\|; the t,-uV ot j.; Ōv ,w r-*-'u H. :r-Us* Kamai F M !Vs v -« H-*-RU s h«nl<\>i!i. C.t.v;ve Tuofch' Kiohmoiwi K".h> eh.-Hn^i, Ahn Ak';en>. K.?j« **wku l*V ī*ve. LWpī' F K JanK^;K.oaU?h;«,
units, Jamcs Kamakaiwi, chairman; iwilliam Aiona, Thomas Kekoa, E i A. Namohala, Kaipo Kuamoo. i Asstgnments Arranged i Assignments for tlie fioat seclions |were tentatively arranged as follo\vs: I Birth of Kamehameha, sponsored iby Native Sons, William Aiona, chairman. Kamehameha's youth, Haili Boy<s' club, Albert Nahale-a. Kamehameha's tutor, Latter Day Saint, John Kaili. Kamehameha Courting Kaahumanu, Haili Girls club, E. M. Desha. Kamehameha as a Warrior, Haili Gleemen. Charles Makanui. Kamehameha as King, Kamoha{meha Lodge, W. H. Beers, Tsaac Ko- ! liipio, S. M. Spencer, George Tucker. j Hula float, Hawaii Oiwi club, Mrs. IWilliam Brown. i Kaahumanu. Kaahumanu ScKioty, i Henry K. MarUn. f Volcano soene, Kau n\em I >ers of !Kamehamoh;\ Loi£ro, Ale\ C:\rtor. | Kalnkaua fioat. Halo O Na Alii. iB. A. Namohala. J Quocn LHiuokalani, Waia k o a >Mother's club. James Koaloha i Kuhb Kuhio Imimwemeni . club, J. N, Koomoa. ( MissionarW. poly Namo S\vioty. ?K. Leo lx*y, i Lauhala float. Hilo Womens Reicm\tion soeiety. Mrs PtMor Arioli i Ftftwer Float i Plowoi float Hilo Giru clab i Kapiolani float, Hawaiian Oirls i club. f CCO float, by CCC. ! John M R<vss PTA SHito memhm. f HawaHiin Cu?t<«ns. stowr,s* Mone- ' hnws - SV\vr ; i! moro Tfc\Ms and in;r,vh\n>. nvi\ tv by oīlhi o; - j Tivu< far tho m&rOidi\£ untu< \ V,de Hui Kaahnnwnu. Knh>o Tw- ' *Atv\ Bov S<x>uU." S\\siN Namo ?kvie\N\ Ov\lor v\f KAnvhanvh.«n;? CCC JV.ip.rw> niA.j onM f.vWt snd n\A?vīur4 i iien.