Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 36, 25 Malaki 1936 — TO URGE REPEAL OF TUITION LAWS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Territorial educatoru will join Oie i'ight to repeal tu;tion payment requirements for higli school grades, it was indicated last Thursday in announeemenl of a six point legislative program to bo dlscubKcd at the annual meeting of. tlie Hawaiian Education association to be held in Honolulu on April 6, 7 and 8 Kepea-1 of the tuitiou law was announced as one part of the six point ];rogram to l>e advanced for discusbion by the organization's logislativ'.' o()iiiniitt(jo, headtid by Ohainnap Jolin X"lhoii. Ihe .remainder of the.progra-m includes: Changing rhe compulsory school age< from t<> 14 years to G to 16 years inclusive. R*storation of automatic increase of salarios. Amomat!> tax lovv for tho educational budget, based 011 school population. •■■ ■ 1 Restoration of "credit to some 60 teaclie.rs wlio werc;. 011 leave o£ ab.sence granted by the department of t)ublic instruction for the scliōol year 1935-26 when the retirement system

was inaugurat(>d; ' Legalizalion of a plan to have special leave on part pay for mcmbers of Mie department count toward retir»ment an<J full contribution of regular salaries to the: retirement fund to eontinue during the i)eriod o£ leave. The committee also reconimends schcdule by wliieh teachers of similar training and oxperience receive the name pay rcgardless o£. the iliey leaeli.