Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 35, 18 Malaki 1936 — ISLAND TAXES SHOW INCREASE [ARTICLE]
| F«bruary tax follcctioii s in Uie Ter- , ritory, toUliing. $«71,902.06 £rom all ! sources, ve strong : nulicaUons that I the Territory \vill be "out of tlie red" iat tlio end of the ■ current liionnial p«rto(l in June, 1937, ; anel thut tho ti'fcasury -will kliow a. surj)lus at this time, Tax Comniia.sio;ici' Eorth\vick has annoiuieeel. Borthwiclv's report> the most optimistic since the financial crLsiK in Uie.. u;rritory ti'easury iu 19J>2, sho\vtiiat curreut ta\oss yieiued $849,226.5(> with • $C35,6.52.ji7 • ■ coming- from the fiiKr. ;taxation clivitiou on. Oaliu, $109,025.H0 from llawaii. $79,0G'1.77 fron) Maui anil $22,483.82 from Kaual. DeHuquent collecUons totale<l $22,735.5U for tlic montli with $16,065.50 coming froni Oalui. "The financial picture looks unusually bright," Borthsv'ick declare(l in making puhlie his latest tax rei)ort. "Ta\ea aro c:oniing in sliglitly ahove our pre-bie»nium an el should more■ :tlmn meet the requirements 6f the governmenl." Gollections on personal property under t.he 1933 act, brought to th© treasury during February $451,794.04 from all parts of the Territory. "There wa\s filed this year in excess of $77.000,000 in personal property valuoa," Borth\vick explained. f 'This is i)nuHuaHy high when it is considered that live stoc.k and growing crops, witli the exception o£ the current year's crop, are exem;)terl."
One per cent senii-annually is pairl ōn personal propert.y, anel the $451.794 repj~esents tlie first hasf payment;
Indicating t.hat the processing tax failure ■ was based 011 a false premise, l'ip;ures sho"\\ r that while the annual $9,00&,000 refund granted growers here, on whieh the law levies an assegament o£ 1 1 4 per cent, will not be ava!lable ln the futui'e because of thd imconstitut.ionality r>< the AAA, more than $9,000,000 will be laken in by planters in profits ahd they will pav on this amOunt in the same manner. Actually ā great deal ;: more will be eollected, since tlie price of sugar should average $T0 per tOn for this year instead of $66 in 1935; Borthwick confirmed this phase of the tax situation and s-aid tliat actually the govemment ■will sufter no loss in taxes because of the withdrawal of the processing tax retund by the fed< ral government, that whieh has alreādy been refunded has beexi assessed at the regular rate. OahU contributed iu personal property taxcs in February, Hawaii $88,444.66, -Muui $43,631.43 and Kauai $9,193.20. The gross ineome tax ran higlier than the previous montli, according to the report, appi"6ximately |20,000. The total collected trom the new business levy was from iho entire Territory. Oi\hu's share was $188,665.05. Hawaii $9.142.51, Maui 118,218.71 and K.uuu $1.269.78.