Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 35, 18 Malaki 1936 — WARRANTS FOR 4 MEN SERVED [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Bcntli wairauts, issued out of Judge i>. C, llubfcr*s U. S. distrk:t court iri Ilouolulu on Wednt'sduy, were serv- «'<] Thursxlay by Slu-rifi: lienry K. .Maniii, u, S. deputy marsltal, on I'i'ank J. Cody, former FERA aūminiatrator, and three other employes of the federal relief service. The \varrants arrived Tliursday moriiiug by ainnail, and \vithiu 15 m.inutes Sherif£ Marl.iu liad started hiw du.ties. of serving them. Tvvo warrants' were served. On:w all ant bear« ihe names of Cody and Johii Araujo, head timekeeper, aiul tho other provides lor tlie arrc;st ot Cody, ALel I. Hattoon, paymaster, and Joim G. Hieka, asbis.tant l»aymasler.<"<>dy was reeeiitly- replaeed, by A. J. Williuni.spn.as administrator, while Huki, al»o \vas disehārged. Mattoon aiid Araujo are still in the employ of the FEKA. '

j The four men, ace.ording to infor- , mation filed against them by Ingram M. Slainijaek, U. S. district attoruey for līawaii, are eharged with tlie offentsu of "jpintly, umawful2y, imowitigly, a:ul fraudulently diverting and attemi>tihg to diverl, und assisting in diverting money,s ' appropriated by tlie eongfess of tho Uuited Statca for reilef for the use and benefit of persong not thereto entitled, at Hilo, Hawaii.'' Judge Huber set Cody'g bond at #»00, and the bonds of the other three aceused men at $250 eaeh. Service was flrFt made on Mattoon at 11:20 a. m. at the office ōf the sheriff. • All four aci used nien have put up tliß.ii* bonds. No date has heen fixed for their appearaene in Ilonolulu. It is presumetl the cases will not be conimitted to the U. S. grand jury and the defendants will be able to appear direc.tly bēfore Judge Huber auū enter their pleas, unless they deaim a trial.