Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 35, 18 Malaki 1936 — LEGION MEETING THURSDAY NIGHT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tlic rekular monthly mēeting of tlie AnuMkaii U-Kion. Hilo l l ost No. 3. will be Hilo Annory Thui\sd;t\ut March 19, wlion thi> foliowiiigj busiuesss high-lights will be

hrought bp: fnstal!ation of new t'omnian<U>r aud vico^'oinmander. !n!niriurtson of a uew sot ot oonstitujion aud bv-īaws. Wluit twrt tlie Legion wīH iako in liui' |Fourth of July cehbnitiou this !ymr? Pivseivtiug applicatioiis lor uew mvai|bei:s. Quv.>uyn 'LK) jo U waut ihe dojkut uKui couveuUon Uciv ī& 11*317? ' Ti»v i|isual K?ftvshmenU \\ilt bo m>»W aiu;r basiuys s mc*Uug. rbo fcs l>uckiuK up a. ū<nicc īu behulf of the Seu Soom ou A|>ril IS.