Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 35, 18 March 1936 — SURPLUS SEEN FOR TERRITORY [ARTICLE]
j The teri'itorial will end the bjeuuiuui, J U ih ai/, IW7, with ail eatiinatotl aui-plui, of $SU2,lb4, it has bueu leumeil irum uuoHieial" but higlily auUioiitutive Miuu-ua. Reports tliut a tiputidi tjfs&ioy oi ! the legisly.Lurc looma to c.oiisider the ten'itf)rial liuaiieial , pieluiu av ere scoffed at tliis \\cek by Gov«rnor Josepli B. l > oiiidLi.Ler una ot her government ' From all ini'oruiatiou to |uate lt aijpoufrf. that ihu amouuu to be colleeted £roiu. .Uio' gio rfS .inupme tax will exceed thy eijUmates„ made bv the house iu iht ltgislalure by about $517,0u0. The house at that thne alao. estiir,ated the i»revious bieunial de£icit at but iouud at Jhe eloae o£ the hienuium ihaL Llns ligure *as ouly ?a411,000. This cut the .estiunUe<i | uee<ls lor tllL abborpUou of tk« Uefij< il by §415,:]60. Tht-ro iiaa beeu to Uate eollected «ver aud abo\ o i; o r net iueonie coilectioii $107,000; over , estimates irom th e busiues Kk exc; S e ta-s, ?ir.o,ouo; i'ioni. thti uuhiie Utilities tax, j;;' )() opo over ei>tiniutes. ,n UiM pUier hand r .ofīicials pointed out the l)oll tax efetimates fell short b> $10,000 uud tho peihoual proi>erty j tax eolleeiiona tor th« ii rßt a i x 01 tliē neu hieimiuiu $51,000. P-cluoti,ug these liguret> leaves stili burpluts eolleaioii:* over estimates o£ ?24L»,G00 lor the ursL si\ months of the
j uieiiiiium. I EstiniuL's Tui- tiu> surylus at tli9 ; *'Ud i)t ilu; lim uI penod on June 30, ! IJ,;i ' * :m> IV. V.. ti Ui by.._takiug into |faccount th e estimate«l June 30; 1935, <leticit of $415,350, and yurplus over estiinates iar th« first six months eud;ing i)eceuiber 31, 1935, amouuting to $249,600, and au estimated excess eolof §517,v00 fur the grosa in- , eomo tax collectiou, j Tliis piles up a total cre<iit of $1,1 454,950 ap au o£bict to tūe estiaiated June 30 1037, doficit iuado by the house originally, aiuounting to $652,- | 7«>G, or a, surpīus of §532.15-i.