Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 35, 18 March 1936 — OLAA SUGAR CO. ANNUAL REPORT [ARTICLE]

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Olaa Sugar~~oori~ipāny pfTrned ?272,- . 313 in 1035, \equivalent to ?1.10 a Khare. ],ar $20, on 2*6.986 shares outstanding. as against £0.33 a share hi 1034. $1.41 lf>33; «nd losses of $1.92 a shnre in in?,2, 29c in 1031 and 7Ōe in 1930. No dividemls have b?en pai<l since 1920, when 50 oents a sliare ivas distributetl, ! ' The company had an ovor-draft with the asxents, Amerioan Faotors. Ltd., amountīng to $27fc,397 on Jaiuiary 1, 1935 and at Dec. 31 had a nft credit halanee \vith agents of ?1"7.45", after reserves for (axes. Fndivide(J profits at elose \vere $2,842,257 aiul net worth waif> $7,782.077. Manager A. J. \Vatt In his report to the stockholders at tlie annua! meeting said tlie 1935 cjop of 4r5,42? tons cominercial ra.t- sugar polari7:inii 97.46° (or 40.112 tons 98 test> was ground from 414,<514 tons of eane harvested froni 6,506 aoi'fß, cf whuh 2,773 aere« \vas plaiualion rtnd 4.032 aeres planters* eane. The yields from the plantation f?elds averaged 62.5l tons eane ami 8,54 tons 96° sug»r per acre anO th*pl«»ters' fselds,s2.64' tons eaiio ;uul 6.73 tonvs sns:»r' hoth s>eries ii*hmg new iveortls for OUuv Th qualify ratlo was S tons eatie p< v lon o: sugnr as 9.2S in l^i Of the gross eano havveste<l. . Avas flnmed aiul 62X1 r i mmspovto<! l>y railnmd. V lVrman<>iit improvemeiUs duvlivsi lsSf» inehwlcd sueh items as th*« v«>?n"ph»tion of the dwp weU at tho mMi nml inst;>lUltion of a SJM"M>.OW pump; a r»tvs incmi>e in the rva|-or.> tor he;»tins s.nrfaeo to feet oo»servinK steam an<l ftiel eonswmptton; lv«ihtluu 7 wtt<v ef road* and srrad*Ti£: l l t mlle-t now oaole tf> !n?ttallaHow of u ;v,<n! ern \Aem«n pau tnWok rMufrod • co« ui;t¥ing IT> a un?. a inuwvv«veut< LO'lU iV-:\nidc ih,' l*.* 4 l\.uhx\ui tViKk „Uid Tuew !u s v»sci- tw\> ;aviU<oin«. r,t h,,VThr U*5S <n*{» is h;\nt mnu ef wlhW?\ '. - b ?;«ui - i*fe«itors* <<sn*\ Ttsen enttrv> ' > in iv^iv 1 i .