Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 35, 18 March 1936 — BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK PROCLAIMED [ARTICLE]

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The period from March 15 to March 21 has been proclaimed as Business Women's Week in a proclamation issued by Governor Joseph B. Poindexter. The week is being similarly observed throughout the country. The proclamation reads: "Women in business life have thoroughly demonstrated their capacity for tasks of the greatest difficulty and responsibility. "The Business woman is today contributing greatly to our national and community life and is a powerful influence for good. "National Business Women's Week has become a fixed institution throughout the country as a means of turning public attention to the achievements referred to. "The Honolulu Business and Profesional Women's club, affiliated member of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs, together with the Honolulu Zonta club, member of Zonta International, are vital business clubs in this community and in recognition of these valuable organizations, I feel that Hawaii should be in line with the rest of the nation in observing National Business' Women's Week. "Now, therefore, I, Joseph B. Poindexter, governor of the Territory of Hawaii, do hereby proclaim the period | from March 15 to March 21 as Business Women's week and ask the people of Hawaii to observe it in an appropriate maniier."