Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 34, 11 March 1936 — BENEFIT CONCERT AT HONOKAA SATURDAY [ARTICLE]

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[. .. The Nihiaumoe troupe, of I-lilo, jn ch<irge ot Mim. Eva Kahauolopua, will give a c.onc,ert in tlie auditorium at Honokaa, Sijiturday, Mareh 21. beginning at 8:00 o'eloek. The prof!tb from this eofH'«rt will go toward; puving the eost.of fhe troupe tlin' will represent the Bi-« IsWd at Honolulu't? celebration next June 11. About twenty boys and girls wilī take part in this eoncert. An espeeialIy good program is being arranged and will eonsist oT Hawaiian hulas, hapa haole hula, uliuli and singing.l :x': - * CELEBRATES THJRD BIRTHDAY Prank Kahili. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kahili. eelebratecl liis third Monday.with an informal party at the home of his grandmotlier, Mrs. Andrew Akina. Several of his young friends attencīed the party.