Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 34, 11 March 1936 — OVER 300 GIRLS AT CONVENTION [ARTICLE]
| Over 300 futuri: homeinakei* girls ; repre & eiuing liiKlln ehapien, on the Big It.land \\ere n, .-e h Mon at the Hoi noKaa lntti nid.iute«ehooi- iy«t week- , end lor Uiu annual eonvention lof thu FJIII. Mis, l'.iKiliao \v. Edw ards , hume eeonouueK supervisor, j\\as in eharge oi Uie ioiuerenee, as- . sisfcd hy u nunibt:r ot voeational j teaehers and FHH. leaders.
l' Oi- \veeks ahead, -the homemaking diyision of the Honokaa sehool has been busy niakin# prepnrat.ions ior the annual gai.heriiig. Mrs. Hella MolliKon, eafeteria manager at Honokaa. has been juggling- ealories and vitamins, and eouiHiim; dishes aiul silverwaro for woeka. in o n ler to giv R th;> girls atti ae ti\e, \\ hoiesonn> niojjls.
Mrs. Ethel King, general ehainnan of the arrangemenls. su])ervised the preparation of post;ers, exhibits and progranis for the eonference.
A pīenie Saturday afternooii and evening at Kawaihae beaeh was one of t.he !highiights of the conference.
Comnuttees in fharge of the eonfab include: houKinK, Mrs. Harold Chapsoh, Mfss Louise Sun. Miss Doris Sugimura; food, Mrs. 3ell a Mollison, Miss Elsie Sunada: demorisfration and contests, Mrs. Emily Paulus, Miss Ne'lie ronnōllv, Miss Leong, Miss Lily A\tld, Miss Umeyo llirota, Miss Edith l)avies; jH'.blicity. Miss Louise Sun, Mis». Wonj?; &wards. Mrs. Eugene Capelias; constitution, Miss Chiyoko Sadayasu, Miss Dorotliy Ishikawa; Hnunee. Miss Maude Woods, Mit;s . Jlisao Katsushige; ,health,, Mrs. Aliee Neill, Miss- Maude Woods.