Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 34, 11 March 1936 — McLAGLEN AWARDED 1935 MOVIE HONORS [ARTICLE]

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Victor McLagleu, wlio used to play the "goat" in comis films, has just won the Academ>' of Mition Picture Arrs aml Science a\vard for tlie pen'ormancf of 1935 in his "Tlxo Informer." . ... Bet + e Pavis won for the best female rolo for her worK iu thc film, "r>angerous.*' | "Mutiuy on tlie Bounty"pvas judg.d tho yeār's finest prodvctlon.

The famous leam of Beu Hecht aud Charles J>laoArthur won the be;?t sciee« writers award; John Ford \vas judged the best diroctor aud Hal Mohr the best cameramsn.