Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 34, 11 Malaki 1936 — RELIEF ESTIMATE IS TWO BILLIONS [ARTICLE]
Tlie New Ueal plans to eominuo to rarry 3,000,000 person s on work t<>lief wkh a $2,000,000,000 ai>proi)riation £or the fiscal ycar begiajii n g July 1, it was revealed reeently follo\ving a \Vhite House conference. ft was indicated the adiniriistration expe(:ts jobs in private iudustries to absorb 800,000 ōf 3,800,00 now living off federal work relief. Qfficials e.loae to Uie Wliite House inferred President Roosevelt would send Coiigye.ss relief estimates and re(mirements between March J0 and .\lareli 19. llere is tlie current relief situation briefly: 1. To the' end of January, 1936, Relief Administrator Harry L. Hopkina spent $1,951,000. $le estimated ;$&00,000,000 will stili be unspent by July 1. 2. The number of persons on relief will be cut to 3.5t)0,000 by July 1, Hopkins promised.
3. It waja estimated 3,000,000 pprsons wo«ld nee<l "relief: joba for the" fiscal year 1936-37. 4. Job costs wlll be arour.il $650 por man i>er "y£ar.