Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 34, 11 March 1936 — HEALTH REPORT FROM CACERES [ARTICLE]

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T\venty eases of eommunieahle disea»es were reported on the I3ig i lslund for the week endcd Mareh 7. aeeording to Heallh Office r Jo. 3 eph! Citcvrv*. i The diseas©(; iueluded nine cases of hookwonn, iivo in Ililo eity, two in Kouth Hilo uihl t\\o in Kau; one case 1 ol' brouchial pneumonia in Kan, two ] ea»e.s ot lobar iineumoHia, one eaeli j m llilo eity and South Ililo distriet, 1 t\\ o eases o£ iuhei-euloKiH, one eaeh j in Hilo eity an<! Kau; thri'e eases of ' eliieken. pox, tw Q in South Hilo aml j one in lIHo city; threo eases of im-I petigo'in Kau.