Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 34, 4 Malaki 1936 — INSPECTOR NOW HALE TIME ONLY [ARTICLE]
īnspecfor Otis M. Hill heen pīac«l on half time and lialf salary, sinc:o Moii(]ay, March 2, on aecount of shortage of fund«, aeeording to a story in Sūtulay's Hilo Tribune Herald. • :
In order that he may give the maximum service possibfe to radio owners. tht? insppctor has agreed to work af ternoons and evenings īnstead of one week on duty and one week off, as suggested by Honolulu. Arrangemerits have been made with tho couīiTy" engineer's department ielephone number 2771, to take all complaints aml pass them along to the inspector. Evening calls should be made by dialing 2896.' Since there is no expense account or traveling allowanee the inspector will be unahle to make distant eountry calls until such time as suffici€nt funds are available to carry on the work under full lime. Radlo owners who have not yet paid their radio tax are requested to do so immediately in order that the work of the radio inspector may be carried on under full time.