Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 34, 4 Malaki 1936 — Current Comment By OTTO B. SCHOTT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Current Comment By OTTO B. SCHOTT


it is beginning to luok like a "hpt year ;for politics throughout the territorv. It has heen hinted tTiat on the Big Island more money will be spent this ycar than ever before, especially in the senatorial camj>aign. Although no dcfinite statemerit has yet heen made by any of thc potential candidates,- it is generally known tliat therc will be plenty of them in the field for the major offices. Already some of the would-l>e eandidates are feeling out the general sentimcnt of the voters. The fight between the ]\lcCandless and Wilson factions will \ eiy likely be a fight to the finish. The former delegate has already paid a visit to the Big Island, with a view to strengthening his position. while Wilson is getting his forccs lined up for the fray. John Carter, who is menjianed as a possible eandidate for the job of sheriff, is said to have strong iinaneial, backing, but it is <loubtful of anybody will be able to defeat the prcsent incumbcnt.

IN GR A1 1 1T UD E

There isn't mueh honor in an\ man, or woman, wlio -v\ ill persuade a become co-makcr on a notc irt order that such i>crson ean be enabled to borrow money. and then del#terately leave the big hearted friend, or friends, the "pleasurc" of paying the Ran, plu» court charges.

'ITiere has been too mueh of this done within' the past fcw years and numerous kind hearted persons have suffered considerab!e financial losscs as the result of trying to help out a so-called friehd. Thc Worst part of it is 'that the victim seldom e'vēn gets thanks for the favor, and the person he has helpcd becomes his encmy thereafter, - ~

It is hard to turn do\vh a frlend or btisi!iras' in time of a pineh, but it is better to incur tempdrary disfavor by refusing to heeome a party to a financial loan than have it end that way l;Uer, after the victim has paid the hill.

There are plentv of people al\vays ready to take advantage of friends in this \vay. and all said friend often gets for the favor is ingratitude. Not all borrowers are this way, however. Some will work their fingers to the bone in o:rder to protect their benefactors, but thcre arc plenty of others who won't even try to make good. other peoples' nd|es unless you are certain the partj in question in absolutely honest and trustworthy. Othcrwise }ou are liahle to find yourself paying a big pnee for the pri'vilege of being a good feHow.

Scicnce is rapidly revealing some of the \vorld's greatcst m) steries, but it remains for some briUiant scientist to successfully analy?.e a Portuguese

Cnmpaign spetches soott ue'll hcar, With all the mud <:nd dirt; Some ch<tps will tvin »cw ]»hs this year While otfurs losc thdr shirt.

The aneieiu praetice tvf chiseling <locsn*t pay, espeei;dty if thc chisehn<: is done on Unele Sam's checks. Gcorge Bernard Shaw refused a flower lei when he landed at Honolulu last week, hut he acccptcd one made of vegi'tablcs, whieh is e\;u tl\ what any four legged ass would have done. Too bad past wars h;Kln't heen l'ke the one now goit»g on in Africa, with both sidcs \ ictv>nous. to press rcports. Hiuperor Selāssie nnd Mussolini ceitainh nn:st h;\\e picked the iight prr*s agems. lt ought to good nc\\s to ?he people o! Kalap.oi.i he;u that theie 15; -i jv>ss!hil!t\ oi .u; a:in\ post Keioicstibhv,jKd \\ lu\h should sufticici« ineeiune the vomple?io ( » of a to thu he«ch, cvwtuall> «\ow. P;ott\ soon the: e wVW ain pUvV !ctī W p-uk 5 c'v? on mm\ bu-uic<v Mrre?v \\ith r«K!.Mch Ji!jg nioM the » l.ihle vpaoe. AUhi* thc > \ 1 ' tw a-kn-e.