Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 34, 4 March 1936 — ANOTHER $500 FOR BIG ISLE [ARTICLE]
..T-he.Bfg.laland wīii received an additional $500 for its four day celebration. of the bi-ccntonnial of Kamehamoha begmnrng Jm U , n. This wa» assuri'd by action oi the juhilee.commisbīon Monday, whiie simultaiieously ac(.;cp'ting 17315. as (lie birth year of the Hawaiian hero. 11. Beerb, niember froni Hawaii, admitted Kainehanieha, was born in November and not. June, but niaintained the year was'l736. ■■ Tho comniissign'a acceptance of tfcis year for the. bi-centGnnial was made despite a ler,ter from John F. G. Stokes of tlie I-lawaiian Historical sociery asserting 1758 was the real date of the warrior's birth. . Additional grants to: outside islandt; t'or the> celebratlon vvas opposed by Ehen p. Low, executive secretary. The niain celebration. wili b e on the Ala Wai in Honolulu. Other islands will receive: Kauai $100 and Maul $20u, of whieh half will go to Molokai. A souvenir booklet of the celebratiou will he placed in sale in Honoluln npt later than May 1.