Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 33, 26 February 1936 — OFFICERS NAMED FOR SETTLEMENT [ARTICLE]

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j Th e annuiil 0 £ ilie menx- ( bcrs uf ihe AU xander House SetUei ment assi)ciatiou \vas UeM in WailuKu, -Maui, oa Wednes<lay tiveniug. . Officciā weie elected ior the eusu- . i'-y wiih Dr. W. L\ Baldwm j chosi'ji a- in-einikm, Ward D. Walker, I vieo i»rtbuieut; Wm. 11. liugle, seere- , tary-ti|i-asuivr. Serving. on the board of | tnistees wilī be Mrs. Fiank F. Bald- | win, Alrs. H. W. Kiee, Mrs. Viokt A. ) Harris W. S. Nieoll, Stafford L. [■>»'. U«v.. E. K. Ple«sanu H. Alton ,

| Johii T. Moir, Jr., Oiiniou £3. i ekikU; \vas veappoiuted headw orker ! and E. L. Damkroger as assistaut i headworker. frUaiiford L, Austin wil serve cliaīr- ■ «nan ot the finanee eommūte,\. w ith ( W. Hi Engie. Dr. W. D. Bjild\vai and ? S. i Ohihis as members. ! Plans \vei~e and apt>roved f for the ?I€.ooo athK»tic project 'lvat is. ; under construetiou oa tlie settK ment ; |iroi>ertv iu Wailuku, i Fol»owmg th e ; ifcamfen;\s!er exhibited his motil'u pioi t«re the work in the men i.uul bo>*s' !deiwrtnunu. whieh etnxivd eom the t«atiy haml- * htl t»jr this see<sotu