Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 33, 26 Pepeluali 1936 — NEW LIBRARY FOR HONOKAA [ARTICLE]
_ Hpeeiliemion i'»r & brauch - librniy bui3fli;ig at /louokaa.. ha.ve be<>n dfa\vn up and bicl> uiu be ealLed for in tho near future, jt. was reported, Saturckiy by Hany Stewart, architect with thc dvyartiiuut of pub-, lie works, who is c.oucludiug a visit on the Bīg Island to eheek up tho. linal detaiis iu conm.cUou wiili Uie building. _ ] Aeeokl ng to l)r. Miltou Ui co " yf t ii e | Hilo ]ibiaiy boanl 0 f trusiees, au effort liiō bfeu liuule ioi: tho past l'ive °.r six , y<#ai's to gc t a buitding for Honokaa, w hieh is ihe largest brauch library »uiside ol' HiLo. Uue. to tlia laek oi" iuoncy aiul intere.st, the pro- ' ject was delayt-d. Hout ver, at tlie last of thc legislature, sever&l bills ucrc introduccd authoriziug appropriatioiiri oi $iy,uuu from the loan fmul. The iiem fiiially was included in the i\gulur appropriation bill. AfThi« I9L is a puiiion ol' ihe courtyard, . and ..bi:c\\ cc : n tho ,llyuokaa court- , housc aud the board ol' healih pffice. , Tho buihtuig wili contain a large I library i.ouin i;f. 46xU0 loot size. At j the en.traiu u. will be a lauai aud in | Uw tront of tlu> building will.be a | clubrofjm,. w oiki'oom with counters, | au, al(|;ove'i storeroom aud lavatQries. j The ,njain library rortm wiU be in the j roar and wii he .«paeiouK enough to j lake c;aru of a large uuiubcr of peoi'h v . ■' '