Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 33, 26 February 1936 — WEBB RETURNS [ARTICLE]

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j *\ A, Wehh of iho Ji:twaiiau Ag,r: 'euUur.it C,.0. who h;\s hoo*>. o\i a •tion trlp to tho malnhunl for tho 8 , f«?w m«nths, roeent\y l\i ! haln. tlis timo \v«s js|»ent Xo\v Vovl; * Cnusd:i. T?e rej*orted *>\iwi i\o ' Mntt wuio veyy eotd weat>īei\ Ho \\ a-' 1 «crwn|*nnt<>d on his svturn t>y " ! d;u»shTer. Miss Riuh Webb of Mon 1 !tre*l who plahs an tiut< finīte s!;>y 1 the lslands. 1 7