Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 33, 26 Pepeluali 1936 — MOLOKAI WATER RATES REDUCED [ARTICLE]
Haro!d W. Iliee, ehainnan of the Maui county board of supei visors. announced last week upou his return lr°m Molokai that the Hawaiian Homes Commission liave water .rat.es from ton to six cents ami liave further eontribui.ed $2.000 t«ward the pavmg o£ the Farrington Avenue road. ll© said that tliis eontribution mueh appreciated bv ilu- bi>ai'd and it will now be possible to extend the road a littl e l'urther ihan orjgiiially plauned, also, it was reported th i .' Coininission v/ere i eoutenuilating movi.ng their heaii-iiu;irH'i-s to a more eoinenīem situatiou ou Farringtou Ave. The road is survey<xl up to Ihe [ lloolehua community hull, aiul iE pos-.j sible. paving of this will be includ« d j i in the county progmm, us this road. j uot only takes c;tre of tho tr;i:t'i<- to ! I the luUl. l>ut abo reaehes the j hau Jr. high, whieh hus an uttondanee j j v»f 470 pupHs.