Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 33, 26 February 1936 — HAILI C. E. HAS GAY SOCIAL EVENT [ARTICLE]

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One of the gayest parties given by the mombi'is of thc Ilaili You,ng People'sv Chri«tj.art Emlea.vtsr society was the Valentme h ocal wliieli tliey 6ponsored last Fi'iday eveuiiig at the the Ilaili hall with their .pareiits and friends as guests- " ' ; The hall _ was gaiīy decorated witli ( red and wliite paper t,treamers aiul | large red hearts. Potted plants a'iul t other greenery were placēd throughj'out. the loon.i. The members and j guests. had to pass a large red lieart | entitled lit-avqn's •Gutt*. be£ore-. enter-. j the hall. Jane Kahiwa, thē first one ! t.o "crash" Ihe gate,. had to. kiss You j Wah 1-ee, her Yaleut.ino. since this i was a leap yeax. Vaientine.

Get-ac<iuainted ga.'nes, a . grand niarc.li, stuuts, Virgiaia reel. Paul Jones dances and balli"oojn dancing wero en.joy(>d during the evoning. TliQ.se in c.liarge of the aoeial wero David Nokoikaiu, ehaimian; You Wah Lee, publicity; Mary Akiu, refresliinenlK; Enoeh J3ro\vn, decoratioiis; Williaa» Nathaniel, eleau up; Mrs. Y. L. Mehau, transportation; Agnes KaMamoto," pro£ram; Mrs. Eliza' Osorio, dances; Mrs. W. Cliong Wah, rēeep- : tion. I Parents aiul special guests preselit ( at the party were Mr. and Mrs. Jamcs j Kamakaiwi, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaliina. | Mr. and Mrs. Sam- Leialolia, Mr. and j Mr§, Emil Qsovio,. Mr. and Mrs. Enoeh | Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel NmhanieL j : Mr, and Mrs. William Kualii ,Mr. and | Mrs. Floyd C. Eatou, Mrg. Williani { Bell, Sr., Mrs. Gus S.upe, Mrs. Harry j Brown, Mrs. Richard Kualii, Mrs. S. )L, Desha,- M. Roback,Mr.s. j Solomon Aiwkalea, Mrs. A. Akina. There were altogether 125 people present.