Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 33, 26 February 1936 — JODGE OUTLAWS RENO DIVORCES [ARTICLE]

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A decision of J3uperior Court J.udge. Osear F. Nt?lson oL Chscage attacking the validity of Re«o divorces scts a precedeiit that may involve hurulreds of pfominent persons in the Uniie'l Statea, attorneys pointed out recently. Judge Nelson held a Reno divorce granted to Charles A. Jardine 01' N-. \v York ih 1931 was void ānd annulh>d his marriage to Mrs. Dorothy Ferguson Jardine, daughter of a wealthy Chicago reāl estate dealer. Ruling that Jardine went to lleno solely to obtain a divorce and that h( ; gave Reno as his resideuce wlien registering at a hptel there, Judge Nelson pointed out that Jārditie gave New Yoik as hfs address four days aftcr the divorce was granted. "The six weeks' residence requirenu*nt (in Nevada)~-serves as a hait and encourages perjury,'' thc judgc: held. Marlow J. Madden, counsel lor Jardine, said he would attem])t to tlie decision directly to the supreme court. Benjamin Ehrlich, counsel for Mrs. Jardine who Sought the. annulmpnt, declafed tlie decision sliowed the "danger" of all Reno divorces. Anion.u Reno divorces are a son and daugliter o£ President Roosevelt, the former Barbara Hutton aud numerous other wealtliy and socially ])ronnuent persons. "There is no such thlng as a person's getting a Reno divorce (hat will be gdod and binding unless he has an honest intention of making thut plaeo liis d.omicile," Ehrlich eommenieil.