Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 33, 26 February 1936 — MANY FLOCK TO SALESSIE'S ARMY [ARTICLE]
! Hundrods of Eritrean d«'sort'.M's j | from the Halian' anny have off(red ! j their serviees to l2mperor Haile Selas-1 ! sie Kinee he eume nor(h to (ake <h{irge j jof his armies in the field. j I Steady streams of theso desert«n's . : make their paininl way over tlie rOrl;y ■ I ioads to seok a direct audieneo \vith ■ the emperor. Halian maehino guns, j riflos aiKl other <j«iiMnent are broUpht ! by them. | ' ! The leader ofVue batih drseri tA rs jtokl thc enjipoi\»v tho whol|> of, I Kritrl>a nuj;iou< to but i tonnd St diffieuU ' to envss the lu*;ivily" | KiumUnl frontier. \