Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 32, 19 Pepeluali 1936 — N. KONA MAY GET ELECTRIC POWER [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The po.ssibility of extending power lines from the Kona Light & Pow-" er Co. plant at "Kainaliu to North Ko ua.as far .iis Kailua aud Holualoa was thoroughly discussed by the directot's. of the. cftmpauy when met a £«w days ago. Such extensioii will depen;l on the reqeiving of financial help from the resideiits of Holualoa an>! Kailua, it was agreed by tlie board membors. The direciors agreed that it wouUl be. necessary for residetits to take up at least $7,500 of tlie capital .stock, and the treasurer r Walter D. Aek< rman, was authOrized t0 accept paymenln, such funds to be placed in a special account uinil the sum of -.4:7,50.0 is reached, when the company wouhl thcn ■ plaee the orders for tho necessary e<iuit)inenī and begin eonslruclion opeiations. > In tlie evenl tliat sufficient funds ; are not fothc.oming wHhin a reafeonable length of time, amounts J7iTl(>terr i will be refunded, the directors agreod.