Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 32, 19 February 1936 — CLIPPER FORCED TO ABANDON HOP Head Winds Too Strong for Flight to Hawaii, So Airmail Again Delays [ARTICLE]

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Head Winds Too Strong for Flight to Hawaii, So Airmail Again Delays

Now iroubk-s iuive ,bcen •«xicount«;'r- i ed by P.in Amei-iean Air\vays to Kam- ' per the ncxt flight of the Ohina eiip-! per to the Orieixt, ;iftcr bcing ] up at Alamēiia for several wfeeks, through acciduitP, bad \vcatlier, etc. The elippei", wliieh took off froiii rtan FraiHvisco bay Satur{lay on its ! way to Honolulu, was foi'ced back by .1 stoFijis aiul strong hea<.l winds, after Kotting almost halt'way to >lā\vaii. No announceinent has been w is.suc(l as to when thc next start will b.- - —-