Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 32, 19 Pepeluali 1936 — MAINLAND COLD SPELL TAKES A HEAVY LIFE TOLL Storms Hit Coast, Midwest, Europe; U. S. Deaths, 320; Europe Has 200 [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Storms Hit Coast, Midwest, Europe; U. S. Deaths, 320; Europe Has 200

[ Ni'w qnakes in Moalana, rain. fog i and threats of flood in tho iniddlp j I west continue addins to wcather com- | , plic-ations throughout the mainlaiul j i Uuiied States. .. j . In tho Paeilie tJic Briti.sli freigliter j I TrelibSH.k \vas disabU'd 240 mile.s | Soulliwe.st i'i'oin the moulh of the fi> a7id had to be aided : coast guard ve.ssels. • ] j The earthquake strtu'k Rutto, H»|lena, Dillon and .\JiHsoula but did ;Litlle danuige allhoußh residents fearj e.d a ī-epeUlion of the sories- of quakca last Than.kssivinfī. A Khaip rise iii the teniperature Uielted d'«l> snowdrifts hi tlie c?iitral l'nil<'d Stat€s and started foars of s]ifiiig floods whon thc tha\v sets ui. Deatha thus iar were estimāted at 320. At Jeast 2UO were dead as terrifie galos conUnued ripping aeross liuīope in tJie l'ounh day of the aJmost unpL'ecedeiUed storms, Seventyfive .perisl.ied in Creeee alone, sevtral killed bv wolves and others buriud in houses c!rushed by sno\v. Forty- i lhree peasants frosse at. Staia in tlie Sabora district in Bulgaria. ■ • - 1 • -:x:- —