Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 32, 19 Pepeluali 1936 — 100 PRESENT AT ELABORATE BIRTHDAY LUAU [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Knhauolopūa were host? al ari elal)onifr- hiaq an4' dance last Sa(;ur<lay evoning at their heaoh home at Keaukaha. The occ'asion celebratcd t.ho birthdny of Mrs. Kahauoloima. Over 100 guuests- were present at the affair to >visli happiness nm! good fortune to t.he hostess. She was the recipient of many lovely giftfe from her friends. The home was' decorated with greenery ;uid gardon flowers, while the tābles \vere atira<-tive)y arraiiged in Hawaiian fashion. A sperially erected bar graced one end of the room and the evening was spent most enjoyablv by the guests. Both Kualii'? on»hestra and the Lyman's Beach Bovs t'urnished the music for the danoe whieh followe(f the luau. Mrs. Mary Fujii and her hula dancers including HaleN T ama"hoe, Lijy Fujii, Eva Ho-a and Myrtle John en- | tertained with several hula* dances i and songs. Guests invited to the luau \vere Mes.srs and Mesdaines Tom Cunningham, William Rilv;i, Arnold Hiehanlson, Peter Lee. llarry Gomejs. Hiehmond Ellis. .lames Kamakaiwi, Tlerman Kamai. Eddie Searle, Katon, Lou Holxman, ('hoek, 'J. Halualani, Fianois Lyman, sftla ' īiOa, Thomas Sakakihara ; Mesdames I Lucy Davies, Sam Pua. Sani Kipi, M, I Makekau, Mary I<au On, liowe, john ! Low, ehaHolie Akina, A. Hoopi!aiu&, ! Sing, Tj;ilani Akiona, Sam Kanhano. I Rebecca de Mello. ! Misses Ah Hee, Su7anna | Howe, Pua Ho-a, Margiiret Chun ! Marion and T,t>uifte MonregtM', AlUmi, jlTeatHee Ewāliko, Mtuerva KuUm, jī.tly Kana« le, Kose Huleaniau, Kmnia ! !i. (lh»nda!l. L:u\i 1 Myrth 4 Llohn. Luoy Malo. Mahel lami, Kvn Ho ' a. Haloloke Namahoe, Messrs. Sam\u t ;M. Spenoer John Akn\i, Sr., j Akau. K!. 1> WinpaU», Mer!e 1 Paniel N'amahw. fnjt, Maohn- ! do. Tadashi Su»iyama, Keale ' ha. Rrnest Hunaiko. Ben Kahaka ! .b>hu Henry, Han Kamakaiwi, WilUaw KuaUĪ, Tuna Tahn Kenloha. Jr, Sonuy Kauiakea. Mtnoru j »noio, Kn-<1 Low. John Hanaike 'oiun-lo» Keaioha. K.»e Nawahi, John Mehau. Moke Makuaka«o. Uewahova Mneli»-v, ATthnv - — - :x: Sob:ss?īan Ka«l\»k<m, arrtv<H< hy HonohUu Sauir\lay. t*» vtsu fov a ?ow *lavs JHdo,