Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 32, 19 February 1936 — PLAN MADE TO LEASE LANDS [ARTICLE]

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j Tha! lnml <or hui!(iing home* is !availabl(v al Waiakea at <he coral fiH -betw-eeil Kuhio wharf and Rr;fids bav was pointed out We<lne.sday by Ciiarli.Mtirray, auhla.ml ag v ut fcir ■Hilo., who is reriuesting C. T; Bailoy, comniissioner of puhlie laml.s, to lay out lease lot.s in that area. i In proposing that the beacli land ! be leased to the ■ puhlie, Mr. Murray i explained that already several Hilo i people have inquired about leasēfl. | The county desires to use Ihe area |for park purposes in the futurc. Howj ever. Mr. Mun-ay's propo.s«ll is that in | tlie meantime before the county ean obtain funds for turning Ihe section iinLo a park area, t.he pulilie shoul<l I be allovved sliort term leasos aml at I the same time make improvenients on i the laml. This, ho said, would bcne.fit | both the county aml thp pub!ic. } Mr. Murray has wriLt.en to Mr. Bai- | ley suggesting that tbe leases be for 10 years and that after llial timo if the lounty wishes to take the land. the houses on the property be removed to some other section oi' the city. The home buikle'rs wouUl have to plant within the first year at least •i0 coconut trees on their land in onler to improve the appearanco of the beach. No nuu'iiio railways or water ehannels woukl be allowed in tlif area. The loeal land office is willing to hear suggestions from tlie pulilie regarding thc proposed land leases.