Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 32, 19 February 1936 — KAMEHAMEHA ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION To Be Observed Here Next June For Two Days [ARTICLE]
To Be Observed Here Next June For Two Days
A tentative program for t)u' eelebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of ■ Kumehameha anrt tln' iOOlh anuiversary of King Kalakaua has been approved by the committee eomposed ot" Mamalahoa Cliapter, Order o£ Kamehaaieha. A &ala twb-day celebratiori wit'i many distinctive features is p]anm'd for Jun« 10 and 11. . — A meetingr" "of officers was held Friday (fveninfc at whieli time eommiUee ropoits wcre kuUinittud and an outlin«-«t the progrnm preseated.■ W. 11. Becrs, iaiand īnember of the Hawaii jul>ile»> conmii«sion, presided. Program Starts" June 10 The jubilee ■-celebraliou wil open with a program on Wednesday night, June 10, ut the armory in honor of King Kalakaua, Highlights of the reign of Kalakaua wdl be enacted in song ,and danee, aud all nationalities will be asked to participate. Tlīe growth of the sugar and other industries. will be portrayed, revealing llie arrival ot difterent racial groups and Uow they have assumed their places iu the iudustrial life of Hawaii. Tfie iollowing evening, June 11. a program honoring the 200th anniversary of the birth of King Kamehameha wiil be givcn at"the Hilo armory. All. Hawaiian organizations hav«; been invited to participate. Sctnes showing important steps in the union 7of the. various Hawāilun leingdōms ēF _ the reigh of Kameham^ha as well as out.standing cvotil s of Kamehameha s reign will be presented iu a beautiful pagcant. Elaborate scenei*y and customes are being pre- . pured. Parade on June 11 June 11 wili also be featured by a graad parade in the mōrnmg, followod by iiterary exereises and sporta ia the afternoon. The committee o» the parade is making plans for the largest and most beautiful parade t=ver attempt(jd by thc Order of Kamehameha. All of the eommunity wiU be asked to join, and to particlpate in making tlie parade an outstandiug event. Letters are being sent out to various organizations enhsting thelr support. Fioats depicting the custonis and industries of ancieut Hawaii will l'omi one eection of tlie parade. Another soctioa wili be devoted to the kings itt tho Kamehameha dyasty. The sugar iudustry, plantatiou life, ane! other ialaiul 1 ife wili be described by £ioats in other sectioiis of the parado. The comniittee is urging all Hawaiians ou tho Big Isiand lo eome to Hilo to \ake p;u t in the obsēi vance, lt was, decided lo muko arrangements £Or« transpoftation to enabh> many country people to eome to Hiio during the holidays. Committee at Work t The foilowing co»umittees are work iu{f on pians for the Ju»ie 11 jubilee: Kalakunu aU-nations program, WU ltam U Biiva, E. A. Namohala, Wil liaui H. Beers; Kumehameha Hawai %n l'haties Makanui. Wll llam Aiona. Cluuies |lartin. IHeh moud Ellb. Joseph Koowīoa. Kdwar«l rioats, Hlehmoiu! BUih. Jo Akiona, K. Jautes Kealoha, .lowph l.lko, tt ud horse section. Henn;U\ Ka 85dwitt !Vsha, Aniohl Richard mkl mani\)ng «ml< James Kama k.aiwi, Thomas Kekoa. WOliam Auuia Kaīpo Kuamo; Htcrary oKerciBes. Wii ilem H. Bi»ers, K. K Simmons: si>ovt> Kdwin l>esha. K l.<v Tlu»mas aml rot«» K*uiano. chair the Haw;ui < t'!cVust?on C,onlon \\ Scititcu. o\<Hutivo secre tar.V (he Hilo nf rom ti; a > » >M- th<> .nniUK.l c aJi of a v * U "'Hi Ofosv i