Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 32, 19 February 1936 — YOUR DOLLARS WILL HELP [ARTICLE]

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The new man»ōfrwent of Ka H?ku O H.nwaM w»U it *f aH ] owe nior>ey for subsciption wiH send <t m *s soort 9% p©*s»Mfr !Tv*fy <io»Ur sent »« now will ht<p 'H buHdmQ «p th»t npw*p«per to th«> p»Mnt th«t it w»U be » cr»(tit to *ts pubiishfrs »ntf thp pi?opV it r«pr*s?nt^ N«w type mu|*t b<> purfchasfvl ,*t onee, .t«rt th?s wHI r«qu?r« outlay. Th« o»d type\ whieh has b«pn >n «s? *or many yeaM;, U wort» out. l« ord«r to get a good. pfi«t th»t ean fee »asfK r»assf a new iass«?nmfrnt of w*l» r*<suir<*d. As this wMt ha\-? to eome fr<om the -'mA.nlaml .*.ivd at »<ms* n w>onth*s to prf*cur», w* wust J»sK iur t v - $?ss* th« t!ffects *n tht e-!īT type f*ces. for the tn»e b<>inq \Vh«n t*"r typ? >vIM be «pe«dity ov4rc4m*. <« tM se»d n youjr r<-new>' !f yeu »r» nct s Vob*f»4 ber. *en<| >dur!n4»me n;, acror«£3»v?d th* pK?#. s«cf you?* $a{K<' y»«?i b« mA«'«d ts? }sN? rcjjo'*rty rach w«*k. M«ny «ew sn(itscvibrri. vvre tv- -N;r 'ist ssnc? īaV. \v,it pMbi«&hf<i. bul we s -,*rt st»n «sīf « frw h\mt|r*d wof*. t»t u* Hav* yr.»r *üb»«Mptvon TOOA\